Annie Fellows Johnston Scrapbook
Newspaper “Clippings” 1940
Article on Gen. H. W. Lawton for Whom City Was Named Appears in Annapolis, Md., Paper February 5, 1940
Editor’s Note: An item from the Feb. 5 issue of the Annapolis Evening Capital, Annapolis, Md., concerning General H. W. LAWTON, for whom the city of Lawton was named, will be of interest to Lawton and Fort Sill residents. Its publication was prompted by the showing of the picture “Geronimo,” which relates to the history of General LAWTON. We are indebted to Mrs. Charles E. Montgomery, 809 A. Avenue, whose home was in Annapolis for the clipping.
The history of an Annapolis family is brought to life by the showing of the current moving picture, “Geronimo,” now on the screen at the Circle Theater.
The fierce Apache chieftain, whose cruelty to his enemies was notorious, realizing that the United States cavalry was closing in on him, sent word that he would surrender to no one but Captain Henry LAWTON.
It was the same Captain LAWTON, who as General LAWTON, was killed in action in the Philippine Insureciton in 1899. His widow came to Annapolis to live and her two daughters married in the naval service.
Frances Lawton became the wife of Roy Gayhart, now a commander in the Construction Corps, and at present stationed in the Philippines.
Louise Lawton, the second daughter of General LAWTON wedded Oliver Bagby, who was himself killed in the line of duty at the proving grounds of the navy at Dahlgren, Va.
Mrs. Lawton and Mrs. Bagby lived together at 36 Murray Avenue until the death of the former in January, 1934. She was buried beside her husband in Arlington cemetery.
Mrs. Bagby still remains a resident of Annapolis. One of her sons, Oliver Bagby, Jr., graduated from the Naval academy, and is now an Ensign–with the fleet on the Pacific Coast. Another son, Henry Lawton Bagby, of Annapolis, has been made heir to a valuable watch and chain presented to General LAWTON as a result of the “Geronimo” incident.
The solid gold watch and huge solid gold chain were presented to Captain LAWTON in appreciation of his services to the then Territory of New Mexico. The watch contains the following inscription: “Presented to Captain H. W. LAWTON, 4th U.S. Cavalry, by the Cattlemen of Central New Mexico as a token of their appreciation of his gallant service in the capture of the Apache Indian Chief Geronimo and his band, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Sept. 17th, 1886.” Inscribed on the links of the chain were the names of the various pioneers presenting the gift.
Some say the picture “Geronimo” leaves the impression that the Apache chief was slain. In fact he was not and years afterward at the St. Louis Exposition was Exhibit “A”. There the famed but once cruel Apache told of his admiration and respect for Henry LAWTON.