The Spring-house
The ruins of a springhouse on the (now former portion of the) Edgewood property. We believe this is most likely the springhouse mentioned in Two Little Knights of Kentucky. This would be the springhouse by the cabin where the boys left Jonesy and the bear in Two Little Knights of Kentucky.
In “Two Little Knights of Kentucky,” Annie Fellows Johnston describes both a spring house and a spring near Edgewood on the propery now known as Peace Farm (currently 100 Peace Lane). The springhouse was by the cabin where the McIntyre boys left Jonesy and the circus bear in the story. The spring is where Keith and Malcolm tied their cousin to a tree while they were playing Indian and forgot about her. Also still standing on the property is the guest cottage built by attorney Isaac Caldwell during his tenure as the University of Louisville’s third president (1869-1886).
The ruins are beside the small creek that runs through the Edgewood Manor subdivision and would have formerly been on the Edgewood property itself. You can see the rear of Edgewood easily from the ruins during the winter. (Photos taken Christmas 2004) It would have been less easy to see before Edgewood was moved. The spring-house was built with slave labor and brick was made on the property.
Nearby, behind Edgewood, are the ruins of the spring:
“She’s tied to a tree down by the spring.” answered Malcolm.” We are just starting down there now to cut her loose. You see we were playing Indian, and she was tied up to be tortured, and we forgot all about her being there—“
–From Two Little Knights of Kentucky, Chapter 7, A Game of Indian
The Spring, an early photo by Kate Matthews and as it looks today