Annie Fellows Johnston portrait

Annie Fellows Johnston will be inducted into the Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame

Annie Fellows Johnston Fans: Mark Your Calendars for January 31, 2018

On January 31, 2018, author Annie Fellows Johnston will be inducted into the Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame.

The induction ceremony is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. at the Carnegie Center for Literacy & Learning in Lexington, Ky., located at 251 W. Second Street

The Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame was started in 2013 to recognize Kentucky writers whose work reflects the character and culture of our commonwealth, and to educate Kentuckians about our state’s rich literary heritage. For a writer to have been eligible this year, he/she must be 1) published; 2) someone whose writing is of enduring stature; and 3) someone connected in a significant way to the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Among past inductees are Barbara Kingsolver, Wendell Berry, Hunter S. Thompson, Thomas Merton, and Johnston’s friend Alice Hegan Rice, author of “Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch” and a fellow member of the Louisville Authors Club. To learn more about past inductees, visit